Day 9

Matthew 23:25-26 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.”

‭‭Man, Jesus is letting these guys have it - and in a public setting no less! Don’t you love it when God confronts the hypocrisy of others! But maybe, just maybe, God wants to confront your own, and a fast is a great time to lean in to some correction from God.

Jesus’ accusation is that great time, energy and public effort is going into cleaning the outside of the cup - public appearance, creating an image, and acting like someone you are not - while the rotting condition of the soul is being ignored. In fact, the word “hypocrite” is the word for “actor,” and we are most hypocritical when we are putting on an act of goodness rather than dealing with the ugliness of our own hearts.

How does one “first clean the inside of the cup and dish?” I mean, isn’t that what we have grown sick and tired of trying? We all have varying degrees of success in self-change, but none of us are capable of totally cleaning the inside of the cup - of cleaning all of our motives, intentions, desires, and worship. We are, as a matter of fact, unclean. The Bible tells us so and our conscience knows it full well.

What Jesus is calling us to is a life of confession, humility, and complete dependance upon the goodness and grace of our Heavenly Father to become anything of value. The first step to recovery is to confess our brokenness and the inability to manage our own lives effectively. Then we can get on about the business of cleaning things out - with the help of God, friends, the Scriptures, and focused effort.

Today, reflect on this:

  • How badly do you need Jesus and His ongoing work in your life? Are you doing quite well on your own, or are you desperate for His help?

  • What is the ratio of time spent impressing others vs time spent cup-cleaning with God’s help and Presence? Are you happy with the answer?

  • Confession: What is the ugliest spot on the inside of your cup? What is the ugliest part of who you are? Confess that to Jesus and ask for forgiveness and help.

  • Ask the Holy Spirit for a gentle rebuke every time today that you make an effort to appear better than you are - at anything.

Jim Ladd