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What we believe about giving

At Evergreen, Compassionate Giving is one of our Six Initiatives! We believe the giving of our firstfruits is an act of worship, a way that honors God (Prov 3:9) while also living mindfully that ALL we own, not just what we give is the Lord's (Psalm 24:1). God is a giver of eternal gifts (John 3:16, 1 Cor 2:12) and temporal ones (Dt 8:17-18, James 1:17) and when a follower of Christ freely and joyfully gives away their increase, whether it be money, possessions, time, or talents, they are imitating God. We are excited about your desire to give, not only because of how your gift will allow us to continue to be about our mission of being and making disciples, but also because of what your gift prayerfully communicates to the world about your heart and relationship with God (2 Cor 9:12-15) and how investing wisely benefits you (Acts 20:35, Luke 12:33).

More Ways to Give

  • Download straight from our ECC App Download here

  • Download the Pushpay App Download here

  • Text "eccgive" to number (833) 245-8318 and follow the link that is sent to you.

  • Sunday Giving - Rather than pass a collection plate on Sunday, we have decided instead to encourage members of our body to give as the Lord leads them by placing their gifts in boxes which we place near the entrances and exits.

  • ECC Office - Gifts can by sent by mail or dropped off at the ECC office at the following address: Evergreen Christian Community 1000 Black Lake Blvd SW Olympia, WA 98502


If you would like to know how you can better handle your finances in accordance with God’s word, we offer a seasonal Financial Peace class.