Senior Adult Ministry

Our Senior Adult Ministry, Generations, meets on a monthly basis for lunch and fellowship in the North Auditorium at our Olympia Campus. 

We have an annual picnic in the summer, a Christmas Banquet in the winter, and monthly trips to parks, museums, and other destinations that are great opportunities to connect and adventure together! 

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Find Your Community

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Anita’s Story


Adventure Together


We have an extra class for you!

If you love worshiping to traditional hymns and participating in verse by verse Bible studies, join us in the Adult Bible Study class!

This class gathers in person every Sunday at 10:30am in the North Auditorium, and audio recordings are posted online Monday mornings on the Adult Bible Study page.

Learn more HERE!

Get to know your Pastor of Senior Adult Ministries!

Ryan Ward,

Upcoming Events


Generations is all about building community and enjoying adventures together. Check back often for announcements on our 2025 events!

Luncheons: $7 per person

Outings: Attendees are responsible for any entry fees

For text/email updates about luncheon or outing specifics, and to RSVP, email