Day 15
1 Timothy 4:7-9 “Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance.”
There is a massive difference between trying and training. So many of us experience massive frustration - and some even quit on faith entirely - because of our lack of ability to just try harder and get this right. But the key to spiritual growth and maturity is not just trying harder. The key is to simply enter into training for godliness with the Holy Spirit, who is the Master Teacher. We train rather than try and we train by making space for God Himself to teach us. This does require training, so make no mistake - this is a process that requires your participation.
Read the first line of the passage above again. Notice that Paul contrasts training to be godly with godless myths and old wives’ tales. There is a temptation for us in terms of focus: the legendary stories of godless men and women who lure us toward a life without need of God; or perhaps life principles that are based on human experience rather than on Christ. No, we need a focus on training in godliness, which holds promise for both this life and the one to come.
The emphasis of this passage is training. Physical training is of some value - I am told this by people who actually do it. I know very well that I am in desperate need of physical training! How much more, though, am I in need of training in godliness, for it is ripe with rewards, both temporal and eternal (To be clear, this is not a binary choice, and both are beneficial!).
But what is godliness? Check this out; the word means, “appropriate beliefs and practices for supernatural persons.” Read that again.
You and I are supernatural persons and our great challenge is to actually believe and behave supernaturally. This takes training and this is one of the powers of fasting. You are training to believe and practice supernatural living with God. What an awesome idea! Remember, you are not a physical being having a spiritual experience. You are a spiritual being having a physical experience. And God yearns for you to live this physical life in the Presence and Power of Him who lives in you.
Today, reflect on this:
Consider setting aside a scheduled time for training in godliness each day. Maybe a sacred space and time to be alone with God and hear the counsel of your Shepherd.
What are the challenges you face in living as a supernatural person rather than just a physical one?
Use a device to remind you to tune in spiritually to God every time you see or touch it. Your keys, or a coin in your pocket, or something you touch several times a day. Each time you see or touch it, pause and invite the Spirit to speak to and guide you.