Day 20

Romans 1:1 “Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God...”

Welcome to the next to last day of our fast! You may decide to keep going, or to shift your pursuit of God into other forms of training for godliness, or to take a break for a bit. Before this is over, I want to emphasize the power of a clear sense of identity and mission. It is a most powerful ingredient and essential for a life well-lived and full of impact.

Paul lays out an outline for understanding our identity with his brief resume in Romans 1:1. Follow this with me:

Paul - Notice that he does not call himself “Saul,” which was his birth name. As Saul he was also in hot pursuit of God, but through the mechanisms of religious structure, titles, and legalism. He was a Pharisee, and not only a Pharisee, but a zealot. In fact, he went door-to-door dragging Christians from their homes to be incarcerated or even killed for their faith in Jesus. But Jesus apprehended him by His grace and called him to Himself. When Jesus did so, He gave Saul the name of Paul: new name and totally new life! The point? I am not who I was, I am not what I have done, and I am not who you think I am. I am who Jesus says I am.

A servant of Christ Jesus - The word “servant” is the word “doulos,” which literally means “slave,” or “someone completely controlled and subservient to someone else.” One of the great mysteries of life is that only abject slavery to God can provide freedom for human beings. A doulos would be a person that sold themselves into slavery because their Master could provide for them and their family better than they could themselves. It was a winning deal and it continues to be, when we give ourselves as slaves to God. This is especially helpful in the grind of daily decision making. When I make decisions as a slave of Christ, the right answer is much easier to find. You are not your own - you were bought at a price: the precious blood of Jesus, the Son of God.

Called to be an apostle - You may not have a gift of office in the Body of Christ. You might not be called to vocational ministry. But you are called. Perhaps that calling is not yet crystal clear, but it can be. We have a process called S.H.A.P.E. where we help you discern who God made you to be and, consequently, what He made you to do. In the meantime, whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, as unto the Lord, for the Lord is with you.

Set apart for the gospel of God - Gospel means good news. You have been set apart for the gospel of God. This is the truth for all of God’s children, not just apostles. You and I have been set apart. We have been called out from among the world, that we might live for Him and share His good news - great news - with those that He strategically and supernaturally places in our lives (our Oikos).

The chief end of man is to know God and to enjoy Him forever. - Westminster Catechism

Today, reflect on this:

  • Think about who you were all on your own and think about who Jesus has made and called you to be. Journal about the difference and fully embrace your new self!

  • Imagine your life as an absolute slave of God. What would change if you truly lived out that identity?

  • What is your calling? If you aren’t sure, spend a little time pondering the possibilities.

  • Embrace a commitment to be set apart for the good news of God. List your Oikos by name (8-15 people God has placed with a front-row view of your life) and pray that they will know the good news. Prepare to share it when the time is right.

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Jim Ladd