I am more convinced than ever that the way God changes the world is one person at a time, one conversation at a time, one act of kindness at a time. As we live out the Kingdom of God in our traffic patterns, God positions people in our lives that we can influence - our "Oikos" or household.

It is the strategy of God that His people will live lives of His Presence, power and grace, that touch everyone in our path. That we carry with us the aroma of the goodness of God, and that we take every opportunity to explain why we have the hope we have in Jesus. 

Live with your eyes alert today. Look for that opportune moment when you can be Jesus with skin on for someone in your path today. 

At ECC, we want to invest all we can in you. To equip and support you in your life mission of knowing Jesus and making Him known. 

Jim Ladd