I find myself really curious to hear the answer to that question from active church goers. Here are what I suspect would be the top answers to the question:

- I want great teaching because I want to be fed.

- I want an outstanding kids ministry, so my children will both enjoy and learn in their faith journey, experiencing a safe place to also make new friends.

- I want excellent worship, that helps me connect to God in our worship gatherings

- I want a highly engaging student ministry, that isn't too radical, so my teens will grow in their faith and be equipped to be God-honoring, solid citizens, with a tribe of safe friends.

- I want a friendly church - and I want friends.

- I want a church that is making a difference in the world - helping the poor and changing the world.

So, here is the deal... I think the question itself, which we all ask ourselves when we move or need a church home, would be a foreign concept to the early church. Why?

- Because I am the church and the more appropriate question is, "What can I bring to the Body of Christ, using my gifts for the edification of the saints?"

- Because the mission of the church is Discipleship - so if the question is appropriate, the answer would be, "I am looking for the church that helps me become more like Christ and use my gifts to equip others to become more like Christ and make a difference in the world."

- Because the idea of approaching the church as a "consumer" is a foreign idea to the Scriptures.

I am not picking a fight, and I think it's critical for us to get our focus right, as the church of Jesus Christ, so we can be, pursue and become the Bride of Christ that He will be proud to embrace upon His return.

Jim Ladd