It’s a Choice
Ed McClanahan
For whatever one sows, that they will also reap.
Galatians 6:7
My wife has a stitched cloth hanging up in our home which says “choose thy love, love thy choice.” For us it’s a simple and pragmatic reminder that we married each other for better or for worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do we part. But how much of that is a choice? How do I influence the better end of those metrics? Experience tells me again and again that I get to choose most of the time.
Do I want better or worse? Of course I want better! Well, today I’m sure I’ll have some choices to make to influence it in either direction. I can choose to do my fair share of the household chores, or let my wife do most or all of them. I can compliment my wife’s appearance, or ask her if she remembers her clothing size when we got married? I can inquire how her day has been or avoid her altogether. The one I choose will greatly influence whether or not things are better or worse, trust me!
Do I want richer or poorer? Duh! I have a choice today, this week, next year, and for the rest of my life to live within our budget. Since a budget includes depositing money into savings for future needs and desires, I can choose to stick with it, or go into debt for something I want right now. One will make me richer, and the other will ultimately make me poorer. My choice.
Do I want sickness or health? Now sure, sometimes people get sick through no fault of their own, but often it’s because of the choices we make. I can eat healthy, or dine on bacon cheeseburgers five days per week. I can use my health club membership on a regular basis and exercise, or I can binge watch the latest and greatest television shows. I can go to bed at the right time to get the ideal amount of sleep, or I can stay up late on the internet. One will make me healthier, and the other will increase my chances of getting sick.
What choices are you making today? Do you want better, richer, healthier? Choose wisely my friend, because it’s most likely your choice that will make the difference. We reap what we sow.