Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind

Jim Ladd

The Bible is the greatest psychology textbook ever written! 

“Psychology” comes from the word, “psuche”, which means, “soul”. And who knows the human soul better than its Maker, God, Himself? The Word of God provides master guidance on soul-care and soul-health. Here is just a small sample:

Paul urges us in Romans 12 to fight being conformed to the patterns of this world and to, rather, be transformed, or morphed, into a new “form”. That form is the form of Jesus, which is what God graciously predestined us for. How does that happen? Well, Paul continues, “by the renewing of your mind.”

The word “renewing” literally means, “renovating” or “remodeling”. 

In other words, we have to knock out some walls, move some things around, and renovate the way we use our minds, in order to experience transformation. This requires intentionality, discipline, and a clear process.

Which brings us to Jesus’ parable in Matthew 13 about the seed and the sower.

Jesus said that some seed fell on the pathway and was quickly snatched away by birds. Some landed on rocky soil and could not take deep root, thereby making it vulnerable to heat and drought. Some fell on weed-infested soil that choked out the seed, and finally, some landed on good soil, reaping a harvest of 30, 60, and 100 fold.

Consider Jesus’ explanation of this parable as a great starting point to assess your own process of renewing your mind:

  • The path is ground hardened because of being frequently walked upon. Some of us have hardened hearts as a self-preservation strategy, or as a debilitated response to being trampled on by people we trusted. Some of us continue to allow toxic people to violate all reasonable boundaries and continue to trample upon our hearts. This keeps the Word of God from penetrating our soul and freeing us. What trampled soil has hardened in your own heart?

  • The rocky soil prevents deep roots from the seed of God’s Word because of what lies beneath the surface. These rocks can be unforgiveness, resentment, bitterness, blame, narcissism and more. Are there any rocks beneath the surface in your life that are keeping you from experiencing the transforming power of God’s Word and Spirit?

  • The weed-infested soil represents three particular weeds that choke out God’s Word in our lives: the deceitfulness of wealth, the worries of this life, and the desire for other things. Reflect on these three, for they are each powerful and yet subtle. In these three areas we have a natural ability to self-deceive and rationalize.

  • Notice that even the good soil produces a variety of harvests; some 30 fold, some 60 and some 100. The reality, like the parable of the talents, is that we each have a variety of health and strength to produce a harvest. Reflect on this and consider how to grow your potential. What is keeping you from being a 100-fold producer?

Here’s the deal: God is at work in you to want and to do His good pleasure. And you have to participate. As you do the tilling of your own heart and mind - as you tear down flawed walls of thinking, belief, and desires, and rebuild new structures with God’s Word, you will experience whole new levels of soul-health and fruitfulness!

Let’s get to work, shall we?

Jim Ladd