Choosing Encouragement
Andy Manley
Sports are stressful. There is a very real sense of disappointment when our teams lose. I saw a statistic that we eat 16% more saturated fat when our team loses. I can only imagine what that number must have been for Seahawks fans last week… Being a Broncos fan can lead to some really bad choices.
Sports can be disappointing. However, we all have bigger things that weigh on us.
Conflict with people we’re close with.
Unexpected expenses.
Political and news coverage that never makes us feel better.
Life is not one long progression towards more and more happiness. All of us want the best lives possible but life does not follow a perfect formula.
There are all kinds of stories about David in the Bible. At one point, he comes back to where some of the Israelites were staying. They had been attacked and taken away by a group called the Amalekites. Two of David’s wives (Having multiple wives is a whole different story), were taken captive. Not only were family members missing, David’s own people were turning against him because of how upset they were.
1 Samuel 30:6 says, And David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because all the people were bitter in soul, each for his sons and daughters. But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.
The Israelites ended up finding the Amalekties and rescuing everyone. But before that, David did not know. He was discouraged. He was grieving. He was trying to do what was right and people were still turning on him. In these moments, we have a choice. We can either give into fear and anxiety, or we can choose to turn to God. We can remember the times that he has provided for us in the past. We can choose to become aware that God is with us in the present and that He is walking with us into the future.
David turned to God and started seeking what they should do. We have the opportunity to turn to Him and find encouragement.