
Pat McClelland

Generosity is a term frequently interpreted within the church to mean tithing. Yet, where tithing is an Old Testament standard first set by Abraham when he gave a tenth of the spoils of war to Melchizedek, the New Testament speaks instead toward generosity.

Generosity is completely different than tithing. It’s rooted in the selfless desire to help others. Where tithing became a function of law through the Torah, generosity is an outpouring of the heart. The miracle of whichever standard one follows is the blessing that is returned to the one who gives. God always wants our heart, no matter the cost.

Malachi 3:6-8 speaks of robbing God of His tithes and offerings. Indeed, the Old Testament required tithes on the order of some 30% of one’s wages when you add in the festivals you were supposed to give to the Levitical priests along with the 10% first fruits tithe. But now we recall the New Testament’s 2 Corinthians 9:7 which says “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. So then, how does one reconcile these writings? To me it’s:

First, trust God to provide for you in all ways.

Second, abandon the moorings you’ve tied yourself to when defining financial or other security. Trust Him, not your time, talents, or money.

Third, heed Jesus’ instruction to simply follow Him. No matter the cost, no matter the time it takes. Simply follow Him. He uses us and our resources, all of them, for His greater purposes. And if we let Him do that everyone wins, including the giver.

I’ve prayed for many years that God would provide enough money for us to live on but not so much that we have to worry about how to deal with it. He’s always honored that. We’ve never missed a meal, we have a wonderful family, we have a full life, and we have many friends. He turned failures into successes. How much richer must one be to define happiness? Because of His great provision we’ve been blessed to give away far more than a 10% tithe over the years to His work. If not already doing so, I’d love for you to join us in that blessing.

Let me encourage you to trust God to provide for you in return for a heart of generosity. How He does this looks different for everyone. For some, stepping away from a current lifestyle seems an ultimate sacrifice. For others just beginning the road toward generosity is scary because they haven’t done so before. Whatever the case, your journey will be exciting, unexpected, and curious all at the same time. God truly does move in mysterious ways.

If not already doing so, commit to being generous with your time, talents, and money, then witness how He uses you to reach others for Christ. In return you will reap satisfaction in knowing you’ve been an important part of His work. Simple as that. You too will enjoy the incredible Biblical principle of sowing and reaping.

Pat McClelland