Lessons From the Advent Calendar

Ryan Ward

A few years ago I gave my son an Advent calendar that was filled with one of his favorite snacks. I explained that we not only remember the birth of Jesus that paved the way for our salvation, but we also wait with anticipation and hope for our future joy when He returns. In my brilliant soliloquy to my son, I also mentioned that each day he opened a door and received a treat, it was an opportunity to give thanks for the gift of Jesus. On the morning of the fifth day of Advent I came down the stairs to find that Christmas arrived early because of a late night of video games and Advent calendar snacks. 

You may be wondering how I am going to spin that story to relay a message, one like: do not rush through this season and miss out on the goodness of waiting for the Lord in joyful anticipation. If that is what you need to hear this season, then please, take that message as your word of encouragement. Scripture is filled with examples of waiting that produced joy. Abraham and Sarah waited for the promise of a son (Genesis 21:1). Joseph waited in prison for a good word about him to reach Pharaohs ears (Genesis 40:12-15). And a few weeks ago, we learned in Pastor Jim’s sermon that we should pick up prayers that we have forgotten about- as God gave Zechariah and Elizabeth a son (Luke 1:5-25). So yes, I hope we can experience joyful anticipation this Advent season. 

We also know that for some, this season is difficult. The pain and sense of dread from past memories that are unpleasant, a diagnosis that is not promising, or facing the first Christmas without a loved one, are reasons (along with others) that can keep us from experiencing joyful anticipation. When we experience these types of pain, we can often feel like spectators of the Christmas story, watching others experience joy, while sadness and profound emptiness fill our experience. So how can we find joy in a season of difficulty? 

Throughout the Bible, we often see how God is near to the brokenhearted. I think of Job who was blameless (Job 1:1) and yet, he experienced great loss in his life. The author, James, told us that Job endured and that God poured out his compassion and mercy even in the midst of Job’s pain and suffering (v 11). Job struggled in his time of trial and even questioned God, but the Lord reminded Job that He holds the universe together. I believe the story of Job can remind us that God is ever present in our time of suffering, and that we can place all our hope in Him- even when things seem hopeless. 

If you find yourself struggling this season, I encourage you to press into the hope that Jesus is the light that shines in the darkness, and the darkness can not overcome it (John 1:5). He sees you, and loves you beyond any words that can be written in this blog. If you do not find yourself in a season of difficulty, I challenge you to draw near to someone in your life that is. I pray that you may be an instrument of God’s love and enduring hope in their life. May we all find joyful expectation in this season in the hope of Jesus, our savior, who became flesh and dwelt among us.

Oh, and if you find yourself tempted to rip through the Advent calendar for all the treats at once…consider waiting in joyful anticipation for each day’s provision. They can be a reminder that His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:23). 

Ryan Ward