Day 9: Man Is The Central Object Of God's Affection
» What are the implications for your life, that the God of all Creation loves you this much?
» What does it mean that God is not jealous of you, but jealous for you?
» How do you see God’s love and care in your life?
» How are you responding to God’s desire to have a relationship
with you? How can you grow that relationship?
» Write out a prayer expressing your thoughts about God’s
unstoppable and sacrificial love for you. Write of your gratitude
and sorrow. Stand in awe of His works.
» Practice this week’s memory verse.
“God carries your picture in His wallet .”
- Anthony Campolo
“Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.”
- Psalm 17:8
During the week of creation, God finished five of the days saying, “and it was good.” But after the sixth day, he finished by saying, “and it was very good.” It was indeed a great day, for that was the day God had crafted man with His own hands, after His own image, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. And man became a living soul; an image bearer; a ruler called to exercise dominion over the rest of creation as a reflection of God’s nature; a friend of God with whom He walked in the cool of the day. You and I have never known a parent, spouse, child, grandchild, or friend whom we have loved as genuinely and purely as God loves us.
It is noteworthy that there is only one thing in all of the creation account that is considered, “not good.” The Lord God said, “it is not good for the man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18). This passage refers to the fact that, for a period of time, Adam had no other person to relate to. God judged that this solitude of man was not good, even though he was surrounded by beauty, amazing animals, and direct access
to God. Man needed another human being to be his companion, partner, and friend. God is not jealous of us, but is jealous for us to find all that He had in mind when He made us.
Think about this: The same God who created the universe knows us completely. He cares for us and loves us. He delights over us with singing. He wants a relationship with us and He takes the initiative to reveal Himself to us, and to help us respond to, and offer, love. He does all of this at great personal cost to Himself. “God so loved the world that He gave...” (John 3:16). He never stops giving.