Week 2 Discussion
Truth #6
Truth #7
Truth #8
Truth #9
Truth #10 Man was Made to Glorify God
Man is an Image Bearer
Man has Rebelled Against God
Man is Utterly Depraved
Man is the Central Object of God’s Affection
Gather with your Pursuit Group and have the following discussion:
» Take turns reciting this Week’s memory verse: 1 John 3:1
» What are some ways human beings re ect the image of God?
» In what ways do you, designed to bear the image of God, seek instead to craft your own image for your own glory?
» Humanism says that man is basically good while the Bible teaches that man is fundamentally broken. What difference does it make where you start?
» What does it mean that man is utterly depraved? Why is it important to know this?
» Where do you see the consequences of rebellion in your own life?
» Many people resist the idea of total depravity. Why do you think that is?
» What does it mean to be dead in your trespasses and sin?
» What does it mean to be made alive again?
» How do you see God’s love and care in your life?
» How can you grow in your relationship with God?
» What from this week, if anything, is a bit confusing to you? What questions do you have?
» Make a group decision on a one-sentence answer to the question, “What is Man?” and write it in your 40 Day Pursuit Guides.
» Two weeks in, how is The Pursuit going for you?
» Share prayer requests and current life issues with one another.
» Pray for each other.