Week 7 Discussion
Truth #31 We are the Called-Out Ones
Truth #32 We are the People of God’s Presence
Truth #33 We are Citizens of God’s Kingdom
Truth #34 We are a Prophetic Voice to the Culture
Truth #35 We Serve One Objective - The Glory of God
Gather with your Pursuit Group and have the following discussion:
» Take turns reciting this Week’s memory verse: Ephesians 3:10-11
» What is the Church?
» How can we practice being the Church in our world?
» If Jesus spent a week, physically beside you, how would you use Him?
» When you quiet your mind and ask God to speak to you, what happens? Any success?
» Why is repentance the first step into the Kingdom of God?
» How does God’s Kingdom invade our world today? How can you participate in this invasion? (list at least 5 ways)
» What do you most want out of life? (be honest, simple, and specific)
» How would seeking God’s Kingdom first affect that list?
» To what extent do you really believe that if you seek God’s Kingdom first, everything you need will be taken care of?
» How can your life serve as a prophetic voice for God? (Prophetic = to express God’s heart in a particular moment for that moment)
» Pick one role you have in life: How could you do that role in a way that better glorifies God?
» Share prayer requests and current life issues with one another.
» Pray for each other.